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12 check-ins
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16:43 | added better makefile usage and a man page as well as renamed from managetags to wombattaggmanager. Makefile has sudo make install and make clean Leaf check-in: b8674298fd user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
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13:19 | added fox licenses and added license title to license file check-in: b3149e067e user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
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13:12 | working on attribution for icons and fox. also figuring out version naming and where to display it. check-in: 305c36739b user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
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16:53 | wombat tag manager is working. need to create the repository to my site, get it working, and then update wombatregistry to use this tag manager. check-in: ff159d9a5e user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
16:37 | got opening and saving tags into the manager. just need to implement modify and remove. check-in: b578a2f2bc user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
15:32 | working on implementing stand alone tag manager check-in: 46f1ef1a25 user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
12:03 | got it to compile, need to implement the tagging management features and go from there. check-in: 2323b7c504 user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
11:44 | working on decoupling pieces starting with tag manager check-in: 53613d62bd user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
11:40 | updating code to get the tag manager as the main program. check-in: e3dbe1bf17 user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
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17:12 | reference code to setup tag manager check-in: 8ff09bd48f user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
17:11 | setting up tag manager for use in all programs. check-in: 9ac097e377 user: pasquale tags: trunk | |
17:06 | initial empty check-in check-in: 286604a4fc user: pasquale tags: trunk | |